Saturday, February 21, 2009


A thousand apologies *Bows*

Really busy and very tired with all my events and tests and studies.

Ok today I would like to share with you people something that happened this morning.

I count it as a testimony XD.

Today as I was rather late.

So my mum decided to drop me off to the MRT station.

As my mum was driving the car.

A lizard suddenly flew onto her windscreen.

And she was like oh no is that a lizard? How did it get on the screen?

But then at the same time there was this car in front of her.
The problem was that there were cars parked around so one car had to give way to another.
Then the car in front of her drove ahead cause she thought my mum was giving way.
But my mum instead accelarated the car and


an explosion happened. (Just kidding)

Ok seriously =X. we met in an accident.

And it wasnt good at all.

Straight after the cars crashed I stepped out of the car.

To my amazement, this P2/P3 girl was like shouting at us.

"You have to pay us!" "It is all your fault!" "Now I cant go to school!"

When she said that I really couldnt take it.

I was about the shout at the girl. But thank God He calmed me down. He didnt let me explode. Instead the situation was in such a way that I was forced to carry on to the MRT by foot.

Throughout my entire MRT ride I was praying that God would take control of the matter.

And by the grace of Him.

He took control of the matter.

When I was walking up the slope to my school.

I recieved a call from my mum and it was that she was explaining to me about what the situation is about now.

And she ended off with the words.

Mum : "So are you going to pray for me?"

Me : "Definitely. Was praying still am going to pray"

Mum : "Ok. Good good. Keep praying for me"

But I reacted quite slowly to what happened. I was thinking about what I said then she said.

I was really joyful yet quite disappointed.
Disappointed cause of the situation and the amount that was due.

While from here.

Lesson learnt.

Maybe in each of our lives when anything out of the ordinary happens.

Bad things. Difficulties. Troubles. Circumstance and even great things.

It is how we handle a matter that matters.

I dont believe that whatever happened was by chance.
And many times we need events like this to wake us up.
If not we would still be sleeping.
For me I personally feel that the small accident might have been a bigger one if God wasnt really protecting me.
There is also something else that I want to share about God's hand of protection. But It is rather long. Maybe another time. haha