Friday, December 25, 2009


Wishing a great and wonderful Christmas to any and everyone!
May this year's Christmas be something extremely different and unique.
May the smile of your close ones' bring joy to you.
Appreciating the small things they always do for us.
May we even do simple actions of kindness to portray our love for them.
Who knows what may happen?

Busy busy week.
Spending everyday out.
And I just realised that many times we plan for things around Christmas but never on Christmas.

I am reading a book called God Came Near.
And I really think it is a very good time to read it.
Cause it talks about Jesus' Birth.
And many aspects of it. It really makes me look at things from another way.
Of his birth.

If Jesus were to be born again today, would we even be able to know?
Just imagine the sights and sound of it.
His birth wasn't anything extraordinary.
It was way below expectation.
In a farmhouse. Amazing.
Nothing so fantasic or fabulous.
I think that shows how humble God is.


Friday, December 11, 2009

WEL-come! to my 101st POST.

Well Things are passing smoothly I guess haha.
Stuck on my PS3. Facebooking. MSN-ing.
My most trusty companions of entertainment.

Today sadly.
There wasn't prayer meeting.
I realised that upon arriving at Church.
Good Job Dharmen *Pats on his back* Haha.
But I won't count the trip as a wasted one.
It made me linger on certain thoughts.
Well I think I was pondering on it for quite a fair bit of the journey.
One would be Motives.
Even from this few days.
God has been revealing to me few things on motives.
It began with me asking why am I going to PM for.
For whom?
I think that is really something which I have to check on.
I don't want be based on such hidden motives.
Beneath human eyes. We can only see flesh.
But only He can see within.
Isn't it like how God values elders and leaders.
He holds them accountable for their young ones.
In the same way.
We will be held accountable on such a matter.

The other thing on my mind was Godchasers.
May God guide us and lead us to greater victories.
May we even be bonded and united like never before.

OH! About this pics.
I really like these type of pics hahaha.
So interesting. Wanted to grab some of my friends one.
But they were all in Butter Factory. St James. Rebel. Zirca and all lol.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Amazing to see time fly by man.
From Jan. To March. June. Aug. Oct. Nov. And finally. DECEMBER.
Fly really waits for no man.
Sooner or later I will be getting back my results.
And who knows where I will be going. Except for God. Amen?

I would like to thank God for helping my to occupy my entire Holiday.
For instance, last week I went for a First Aid Course.
It was a super last minute thing.
The day after I arrived in SG. I got a call from my teacher to head for the course.
And well I definitely have to say that it is God's plan.
His prefect timing.
But sadly it was seriously BORING =.=. But better then just wasting my time on my PS3 or PSP. =X

I am so proud of myself.
I have already started setting resolutions for myself. For the upcoming Year.
How much better then to start it with a BANG!
And more importantly with guidance from the One.
Well I am still in the process of plotting down all my resolutions. So I will definitely dedicate 1 entire post to that.
Not forgetting this resolutions are guidelines which I want to live by.
I dont want to have a Spiritual Blockade at all.

1 thing is for certain I definitely want to mature up my blog posts.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guess what people!
This is my 99th POST.
Wow. I took a long long time to post such a little number of post hahaha.
But still 99!

Just had my grad night on monday.
Some of you may know it as prom night.
I honestly have mix feelings about my grad night.
  1. Firstly, I am quite unhappy that I didnt bring my camera. Something so important how is it possible not to bring it.

  2. Secondly, I forgot to wear my contacts. When I deliberately asked my mum to purchase particularly for it.

  3. Personally I didnt think the grad night was much of a grad night. It was more of a lucky draw presentation.

  4. But I cant ask for alot right. Some things I am quite alright about I managed to snap quite alot of pics with my friends.

  5. And finally I am thankful I didnt do anything stupid.
Well I am pleased to say. My holidays are packed and going to be constructive haha.


All my delight is in You Lord.
All of my Hope.
All of my Strength.

All my delight is in You Lord.
Forever More. Forever more.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

If Naked-ness is our shame,
Then clothes our pride?

Interesting right.
I want to post.
I just cant dig out the right words.
And right pics.
Well I think I have enough of being complacent this past 2 days.

So Sorry.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Before I typed each and word on this post.
I asked God to guide these thiny whiny fingers of mine.

Hmmm. Strange much?

The picture actually depicts a man running into the waters.
In case you were just wondering. Haha.
(Btw is it just me or I am realising that blogspot always tends to rather blur. Hmmmm.)

Just a thought or two.
Are we escaping society too much?
Sometimes we just run and run and run.
Without taking a look at our surrounds.
Are we digging our own grave that we forget what Jesus's first words were.
"We are the salt & light of the world"
Do we forget that society is part of our lives?
Society is what brings us together.
Be it in the family of Christ or just our tom-dick and harry friends.

Not forgetting sometimes are we just running away from God just too often?
Who knows in what ways.
Everybody tries to run away from God.
1 way or another.

Maybe there should be a time when we should just stop.
And look how far we have ran away.
Be it from society or God.

Stop and take a look around.

Oh yes. Thanks to a great friend of mine.
She introduced me to some great bands.
Tenth Avenue North.
Do take some time to listen to their songs. Hahaha.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why do we limit ourselves to flying?
Why not consider SOARING.

Short and Sweet.
Motivated and Inspired.

Now I have ran out of words to say.
But at least I updated XD.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Before I even say anything.
Let me even


The holidays are here.
Time for some busking in the sun.
Time to sit back and relax and lead some carefree moments.
That can be saved for the end of the year.

But until then it is back to my books XD.

I wasted the past 2 days slacking around.

Goodness come to think about it this is not good haha.

I think the only fruitful things I have done so far is to slack. =X.
That is what I think.

1. Exercise.

2. Eat wisely

3. Restring my guitar (Now I have orange strings) MUHAHAHA!

4. Spend some "quality" father and son time?


*I think I am pretty HIGH now

I think what God has really done for me.
Is something that no-one else could have done for me.
Even people around have told me it is something that they can't do anything about.
But still God made a way.
Each friendship is really hanging on a thin line.
And what I really learnt from this lesson is to cherish every God-given friendship.
How stupid can a person get if he/she chooses to throw away an old age friendship over face and pride.
That man is what I call a fool. A downright fool.
Whatever happened is really by the grace of God.
Something that I really remember from the word of God ; where there is light, darkness has no stronghold. And that is really something I really believe in.
I always get reminded of it each time I pray.
Friendship is really a very heart-warming thing.
Many of which we take for granted. What if one day God came up to you and said," I am going to take away all your friendship." What are you going to say?
Can God's plan be "re-considered"? As what men always believe so.
God never fails to accomplish His mission.
Thats why the starting of my post read, " Where would we be without you Jesus?"
Some might say it is a rhetorical question. Others just ask in sovereign.
Thank God for clearing the air.

If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;
Isaiah 1:19

As you would have re-called. This verse came from Today's QT.
I was really very inspired by this verse. Surprisingly though.
Let me just begin by saying. Somehow starting from last week.
Something has been always been tugging my heart. It is about a dry season.
Either it is about me stepping into a dry-season. Or I am preparing for a dry-season.
This is something that I really want to DECLARE. Cause I want to DECLARE that I am going to be moulded into a greater man.
And that is something that I am not afraid to share about. But instead something to boast about.
Just as how Paul boasted about his sufferings. I declare the seasons of my life.
OKok! Moving on to the verse.
In the days of the prophets, one of the most important things was their food.
Their harvest and crops.
It was their lifestyle to rear and to harvest.
Let us make a comparison now.
In today's world, harvest and crop production is merely an everyday process.
To you what would you describe your lifestyle?
Havoc? Busy? Lazy? Relax-ed?
Something about that verse struck me is that. Could our education, everyday stresses all be consequences of the sin of our ancestors?
What if we so called amended the verse to OUR generation.
Would it be something like , "If you are willing and obedient, you would reap the highest grade / you would receive the highest position? "
Something that I really admire about God is that He always has His terms.
And His terms always make sense if you always give it a thought or 2.
And we are the one's who complicate things.
We are the one's who make His simple conditions into sky-soaring, unreachable standards.

But after all we are mere life-forms on these earth for 70-80 years.
Let us be wise and make the correct decision to determine our eternity.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My retarded blogspot is seriously stupid =.=.
I think I should just get firefox lol

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blogspot is really getting me pissed man.

Okok. Today I made a rather important decision for myself.
Well to some people I dont think it is a very big thing.
But on a personal life I find it rather big haha.

Ok I GOT A C6 and Pass for my Chinese.
Rather disappointing. But nothing can be done to change what has already happened right? haha.

The decision I made was simply whether to retake or not.

I took into consideration the PROS and CONS of the matter.


1. It will look good on my cert. (If I improve)
2. Good chances of improving a Grade or 2.
3. Know that I would have done my best and have no regrets.
4. Now that I am more focused, I would take things much seriously and not at the eleventh hour.
5. It is a 2nd Chance which is offered by God. (Thats what I think)
6. Make the people around me happy. E.G Parents and Tuition Teacher
7. I know that I have people who are even willing to go the extra mile to pull my standard.


1. Less time to work on my other 7 subjects.
2. Only managed to grab a Pass for my ORAL AND LC.
3. My friends may even question me,"Why waste the time?"
4. Need to pay again. (Well it is still a con right. Listing every factor)
5. Not planning to use it in my L1R5.

Pros 7 : 5 Cons.

But ultimately I threw some questions at myself.

- Am I satisfied with my Chinese results?
- Am I using my emotions to influence my decisions?
- Will I be limiting God's power by not retaking?

May I even honour you with my Chinese and my O's

Monday, August 10, 2009


77 More days to persevere.
77 More days to give of my best.
77 More days to show the awesome power of God.
77 More days till I face a great step in my life.
77 More days and I will be free.
77 More days to know God's love and grace.
77 More days to work upon.
77 More days to treasure.
77 More days to thank God for.

Psalms 147 : 11
the LORD delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Psalms 147: 14
..... satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
So true man. haha.
1 Cor 4:20
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power
I will try my very best to get like proper pictures and all.
Really focusing and concentrating on my O's so ya

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I seriously need to boost my immune system.
It is getting rather irritating to see myself getting sick so often.
Especially during such periods.

Sorry for letting myself feed the flesh.

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothings, but inwardly they are fercious wolves" Matthew 7:15

There are just so many things that are much more then meets the eye.

Monday, July 20, 2009


We always look for it in our physical needs.
But don't we forget that our spiritual need to go through a period of fitness as well?

Nowadays weight has become such a weighty issue that it can't be hidden.
Throughout all ages, weight has become a phenomenal.
Be it just taking good care of it or putting on some pounds.
It has all twisted and turn for the better and worst.

It is so fascinating to see them walking from town to town.
It wasn't your typical 1km walk to the MRT station. It was 100 OVER KILOMETERS.
Still they managed it without any fancy gadgets and gizmos.

Just imagine the 12 disciples driving from place to place.
Flying across the globe. HAHAHA!
Goodness my imagination rocks.

But still maybe it could have been their daily form of physical exercise.
I am sure to go our physic really matters.
If not why would He even display glutton-ness as a sin.
This body is the temple of God.
It is up to us to take control of it.
It is more then just spiritual exercises.
But still ultimately it is about striking a balance.
No point over doing our physical body and neglecting our spiritual health.

Yes. People.
Exercise is very important.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I think I look utterly retarded in these pic. T_T

Great news. :D

I think I have slightly sprained my ring finger thanks to Basketball.
And I have confirmed that I have slightly pulled my neck muscles. haha.
You guys should really just applaud me.


Goodness there is really not much time left to O's.
I am really thankful that I am gotten into the mood of studying.

In the Bible there are 71 verses which have the word "Change" inside.
According to Google's Dictionary : "Change" is referred to as - a transformation OR make different.
Lets just look at our daily lives, even though it may seem as the SAME OLD BORING ROUTINES. I am sure there might be a slight difference in the way you do things, or in your words. That is can also be defined as change.

In the context of the Bible, I don't think God was just trying to tell us make different our usually old ways. But rather I think it was more of transform your old ways to His ways.
Just like the verse goes", Romans 12:1
"... ... but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hope you guys have been enjoying the past 2 days of the new school term. Haha!

Even as I start my term, it just brings me to realise that I have been in ACS for a really long time

9.5years. 38 terms. 114 months in total.

I will definitely miss this great school.
The environment. The guys and definitely no forgetting the teachers.
But even as I reach my 10th in these fabulous school of mine.
I pray that I will end off in the right and apporpriate note.

The many memories, emotions, sights, sounds, day-to-day experiences, 1001 lessons learnt. May it stay with me throughout my life.

Though it may be just 4 weeks to my PRELIMS and all. I would just like to hand over these remaining school year up to God in a pray.

God, I thank You for ever giving me these 16years to live on these earth. I thank you for allowing me to spend MORE than half of it in a wonderful school which has been moulded and groomed over time. I thank You for these excellent opportunity. God I would like to hand over the remaining few months into Your loving hands. God I pray and ask that these remaining months may the best ever in my Secondary school years. I ask that I may not live in any regret. Even as I take my O's I pray that whatever difficulties I may encounter, I want to take it on with a spirit of faith. No more using You as a back-up helpline. Provide me the strength to give it all my best and I really really want to use these O's to bring You the glory You deserve. Apart from the O's may Your will be done in me, that I may even choose to follow ever word that You say. Not only in results God, but also in character and day-to-day life. God, You see my fears, I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. I lay them at Your throne. And above it all I lay my life down at the cross, let these few months be ones that I grow from where I was. No more chasing after winds God. But rather chasing after You. I hand over all these into Your loving hands. I pray and ask these in Your precious name.


In the mean time, let my panick of chemistry overwhelm. haha.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Isaish 40:30-31
Even YOUTHS grow tired and weary,
and YOUNG MEN stumble and fall;

But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

I actually wanted to type some stuff down. LOL!
But my wonderful memory has failed me as per normal.

But but. This holiday has really been a fun filled one.
Caught up with my dearly beloved long lost friends haha.
Spent awesome time with my small group and cell.
But didnt flirt much with my books. Which SUCKS.
Thats why I am like quite panicky now. haha. Oh great LOL.

This show how seems like those photos of dead =X.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sometimes it is very interesting to know about your future.
The future just seems so interesting.
The bright future ahead.
But what can day-dreaming do?
It is a simple thought passing by.

Like what many of the elders always say.
The future is what we make of it.
There is no doubt about that.

And I was just wondering.
How many times have we actually asked God.
What He wants for us. And rather not what we want for ourselves.
I think I have become selfish throughout this period of time.
Egocentric in a way I guess.

"I dont understand. But I still thank You.
I dont understand. But I know You are good.
I dont understand. But I know You're taking this away because You have something better."