Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I dont know how many of you guys are still reading.
But still.
I am sure as friends you guys will read. RIGHT? O.O
Well today it was rather unexpected.
Was supposed to go to the airport.
But in the end didnt. Haha.

Had tuition.
Then went out to the John Little Expo Sale.
With my mum and my bro.
Wow. I tell you ah. I had one blast of a time.
Was busy getting scolded for everything.
Then finally had dinner at Expo. At Lerk Thai.
1 word. SCAMMED.
LOL! Seriously. We paid 36 bucks and werent even close full.
Then after we came out of the restuarant got scolded again.
How great is that man.

Today was really a test of patience.
I dont know whether is it me?
Or is it that there are just too many things my mum is going through presently.
There is alot more to come.
I really pray that she will hold strong.
And I pray that I will be able to hold tight for whatever is coming out.
The road always gets tougher and tougher.
Longer and longer.
At the same time, the Fruits of the Spirit grow stronger and stronger
Btw my pictures are cool right? XD

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