Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hey there one and all
Well. Today I stayed at home.
The whole day. I know I am so guai. XD
haha. today did nothing much.
but it was still quite interesting.
Played my wife.
Made Tuna Sandwich LOL (Chef-To-Be)
Read through all YOUR blogs XD
Watched TV.
Hang X'Mas Lights.
Went for my daily excerise.
I ran 3km. haha. SERIOUSLY TOO FIT LE. XD
then went to the playground and sat with my auntie and talked.

This is what I came to my realisation as I talked to her.
My neighbourhood has alot more than meets the eye.
My friends I used to play with when I was young.
I realised a desperation cry.
Broken families.
Lack of family members.
Relationships. BGF Love.
Has life become much to revolved around such matters?
Has life's definition been changed?

Sometimes when we run.
I am sure that everyone will find an easy way out right?
While life sometimes is like that eh?
We always try to look for shortcuts.
But when we realise the shortest of cuts are usually the longest.
Come to think about it.
Life is cannot be based on shortcuts.
There are no shortcuts in doing things in life.
No one can escape difficult times.
No one can escape from making decisions.
No one can escape age.
(P.S as I was running while this thoughts just came to mind)

Today as I was watching TV
I was watching Emperor's New School LOL.
haha i shall QUOTE THIS PART LOL

"There are 3 stages of Stress.
1. Denial
2. Panick
3. Acceptance

HAHA. it is true leh
So people if you are stessed LOL.
So always remember to keep in mind which stage are you on. haha XD.

Now lets have the wonderful pictures so the talking XD

I really seem to like this type of effect.

Pro photo-taker will always be pro XD.

this is what you call MASTER-PIECE HAHA.

wow. LOL. I bet you all are ATTRACTED TO IT XD

Say Hello to my collage. IT IS THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY XD.

I fear no understanding. Cause God helps me understand
I fear no man. Cause God is King over all.
I fear no lie. Cause God tells me the truth.
There is lots more than meets the eye.

Hey I would like to apologise.
I am sorry that sorry much not be enough at times.
But as a friend. I humbly admit it.
Pls forgive me.